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Building Blocks for Early Intervention: Addressing Behavior and Communication Challenges in the EI Setting


Format(s):   Live Seminars
Discipline(s):   Physical Therapy / Occupational Therapy / Speech-Language
Contact Hours:   0
Registration Fee:   $209.99.00

  • Recognize the benefits of understanding family culture, birth order, and learning style when working with children.
  • List 3 key components of professionalism in the early intervention setting
  • Demonstrate 3 different goals one can address with a single toy/activity
  • Formulate effective ways to compile data during sessions
  • Identify typical vs. atypical behaviors in toddlers
  • Examine steps to choosing appropriate AAC systems for young children

Target Audience

Confirmation Notes



Clinicians and educators face a number of challenges when diagnosing, as well as when planning and implementing interventions for this distinct population. Unique skills are required in order to be successful in the natural environment when coaching parents & caregivers and interacting with children birth through the age of five. These skills differ substantially from those needed to be successful in the clinic, school, or other medical settings. This course provides the necessary tools to be effectively help children meet their goals, and as well as the tools to help family members and caregivers confidently fulfill their roles as the child's primary educators and communication partners. Attendees will learn how to work as part of a team in order to enhance the child's language, cognition, academics, behavior, and mental health.
This six-hour seminar instructs you in techniques for productive, enjoyable early intervention sessions that are based on research and backed by Jill Eversmann's 30 years of experience successfully working with children and their families. Attendees will leave with new strategies for:

  • Working effectively with toddlers, parents, interpreters and other team members
  • Determining early Augmentative and Alternative options
  • Collecting required data
  • Maintaining HIPAA compliance and avoiding common violations
  • Interpreting the Code of Ethics for situations that are unique to the early intervention setting
  • Creatively addressing goals using items found in most homes as well as store-bought toys

Dates and Locations